Join us on Sunday for worship at 9:20 AM at 5450 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.



There are many different ways to read through and study the Bible. One of those ways is to consider how different themes are presented and developed throughout Scripture. As we move on to a new series of sermons this Fall that's exactly what we'll be doing. Starting September 5, 2021, we're going to be exploring the theme of Exile, beginning in Genesis chapter 3, and eventually concluding in Revelation 21-22. We'll break our study of Exile into 3 basic sections. In the first several weeks of the series we'll be exploring "Exilic Foundations" by looking at the what and why of what it means to be an exile. Then we'll spend the majority of our time considering various "Exilic Callings" as we look at the lives of specific exiles in Scripture as well as some general teaching on what it means to live exilic lives. Then, as we move into the Advent season, we'll finish the series by considering our "Exilic Hope & Expectation." We'll also have two new books on the book table that will help you to consider more deeply the things we'll be pursuing together: Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World by Paul S. Williams and Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in our Own Land by Elliot Clark. I've personally benefitted from reading these works and found them stimulating, challenging, and encouraging in a variety of ways. I'd encourage you to grab a copy on Sunday. I look forward to growing together in Jesus as we explore this new theme together. In Christ, Travis

December 19, 2021

The End of Exile

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Revelation 21:1–8, Revelation 22:1–7, Revelation 22:16–17

December 12, 2021

Exilic Orientation

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Hebrews 11:8–16, Hebrews 13:14

December 5, 2021

The Exiled Savior

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: John 1:1–5, John 1:9–13, Hebrews 13:8–14

November 28, 2021

An Exilic Psalm

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Psalm 79

November 21, 2021

The Exilic Pattern

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: John 17:1– 1:26

October 31, 2021

Exilic Joy & Sorrow

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Ezra 3:8–13

October 24, 2021

The Reluctant Exile

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Esther 4:1–17

October 17, 2021

The Model Exiles

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Daniel 1:1–21

October 10, 2021

The Counterintuitive Exile

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Jeremiah 29:1–14

October 3, 2021

Exilic Choices

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Joshua 24:14–18, Judges 2:6–10, Judges 21:25

September 19, 2021

The Father of Exiles

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Genesis 12:1–9

September 12, 2021

The Double Exile

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Ephesians 2:17–19, Philippians 3:20, Colossians 1:13–14, 1 Peter 1:1–2

September 5, 2021

The Beginning of Exile

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Exile Passage: Genesis 3:1–24