Join us on Sunday for worship at 9:20 AM at 5450 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.



We realize that conversations around money and church can be awkward and uncomfortable, and yet God has a lot to say about our use of money and calls us to be generous with it. In the Gospels, we find Jesus has a lot to say about money and its place in our life. What this means at the end of the day is that our use of money plays a significant role in our discipleship and following of Christ.

Giving financially to the church is something we believe Christians are called to do as a way to support Gospel ministry in the world. The church uses its finances to support our pastor and ministry and to support other missionaries in our community and around the world. In addition, we seek to help meet practical physical needs through our Diaconal Fund.

There are multiple ways to give to the church:

Zelle is a money transfer tool that many banks offer as a free service that allows you to give directly through your bank account to the church without any fees. If you use Zelle in your mobile banking app, click 'Send Money' and then search for to select Grace & Peace as a recipient. You can also scan the QR code below within your banking app to find Grace & Peace:

GP Zelle QR Code.PNG

For giving via cash or check, please drop your donation in the offering box located at the back of the center aisle in the sanctuary during Sunday worship. We also can receive checks from your bank in the mail. 

You can also use the form below to use Simple Donation to give via credit or debit card, although there is a fee associated with this form of giving.