Join us on Sunday for worship at 9:20 AM at 5450 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.



There's a story in the Gospels of a time when parents were bringing their children to Jesus so that he could bless them. The original disciples thought this was beneath him and sought to stop them.  However, Jesus famously replied, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."  He then went on to say that in order to follow him we actually need to learn what the simple trust of faith looks from children.  

At Grace & Peace, we believe children are important members of God's church and kingdom and we want to do all we can to ensure they aren't hindered from coming to Jesus.  To that end, children of all ages are welcome to participate in the whole of our worship service.  However, we realize that's not always the best way to care for each child.  Therefore, we have a nursery available for children ages 0-3 and a separate teaching time during the sermon for children ages 4-6.  For children ages 6 and up we have clipboards with worship-themed activity sheets available in the back of the sanctuary.  

If you have questions about having your child baptized or about having them participate in Communion please get in touch with our pastor