Join us on Sunday for worship at 9:20 AM at 5450 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.


Advent & Redemption

December 17, 2023 Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Advent and the Biblical Story

Passage: John 1:18, John 14:6–9, Colossians 1:15–22, Hebrews 1:3

“If Jesus Christ shares the nature of God, we are called to worship him without cessation, obey him without hesitation, love him without reservation and serve him without interruption. To him be all glory for ever.” – Bruce Milne, The Message of John, 36.

God’s answer to everything that ever terrorized us is a child. The power of God is so far superior to the Assyrias and all the big shots of this world that he can defeat them by coming as a mere child. His answer to the bullies swaggering through history is not to become an even bigger bully. His answer is Jesus.” – Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Isaiah: God Saves Sinners, 99.

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