Join us on Sunday for worship at 9:20 AM at 5450 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232.

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Praying with Jesus

Prayer is a very relevant topic; not because we can somehow master it and get all that we want from God to deal with the challenges we face, but rather, because the heart of prayer is a growing sense of the urgency of our complete dependence on God. To that end, my personal hope and prayer for us is not primarily that this sermon series would grow us in our intellectual knowledge and understanding of prayer. Rather, my prayer is that God would be pleased to use this series to grow us in our experiential knowledge of prayer, that is - that he would grow us in our actual praying. May God grant us as individuals and as a church a growing rest and trust in him and may he develop in us all a true heart for prayer and a praying life.

February 9, 2025

How Not to Pray

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Praying with Jesus Passage: Matthew 6:1, Matthew 6:5–13

February 2, 2025

Why Pray?

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Praying with Jesus Passage: Matthew 6:1, Matthew 6:5–15, Matthew 7:7–11

November 5, 2023

The Gospel Defined

Speaker: Nameun Cho Series: General Sermons Passage: Acts 2:22–41

October 29, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Sardis

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 3:1–6

October 22, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Thyatira

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:12–29

October 15, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Pergamum

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:8–11

October 8, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Smyrna, Pt. 2

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:8–11

October 1, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Smyrna

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:8–11

September 24, 2023

The Letter to the Church in Ephesus

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 2:1–7

September 10, 2023

Jesus and the Seven Churches

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 1:4–20

September 3, 2023

The Vision of the Son of Man

Speaker: Travis Scott Series: Revelation Passage: Revelation 1:4–20

Old Testament

New Testament
